Access control to data is crucial if your business has private or confidential information. Access control is essential for any business that has employees who are connected to the Internet. At its most basic, access control is a selective restricting information to a set of people and under certain conditions as explained by Daniel Crowley, head of research at IBM’s X-Force Red team that focuses on data security. There are two key components: authorization and authentication.

Authentication is the process of ensuring that the person trying to gain access to is who they claim to be. It also includes the verification of a password or other credentials that need to be provided prior to granting access to an application, network, file or system.

Authorization is the process of granting access to certain areas based on the specific roles within a company, such HR, marketing, engineering etc. Role-based access control (RBAC) is one of the most commonly used and effective ways to limit access. This kind of access is governed by policies that specify the information needed for certain business tasks and assigns access to the appropriate roles.

If you have a standard access control policy in place it is simpler to manage and monitor changes as they happen. It is important that policies are clearly communicated to employees to help them handle sensitive information carefully. There should be procedures in place for removing access to employees who leave the company, change their position, or are dismissed.

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