Board meetings, regardless of whether they are held in person or via videoconference, must be focused on setting up action items and deciding. The best method to accomplish this is to follow a few simple board meeting guidelines.

Before any formal business can be considered, it’s essential to ensure that there is an adequate quorum. This is generally stipulated in the company’s bylaws and requires a roll-call to confirm that there are sufficient people present to vote.

The chair can then inquire whether there are any corrections or additions members would like to add to the minutes of the previous meeting. If there are no corrections or additions, then the minutes can be approved.

Once the old business is settled, you can start your new venture. The board should proceed through the agenda item by item, allowing for discussion and vote on each. The most important issues should be discussed prior to the beginning of a meeting. This is due to the fact that discussion and analysis of these topics occurred during previous meetings, on board calls, or one-on-one with directors individually.

It is crucial to establish clear rules for the speaking time to keep the meeting moving. Directors, for instance must only speak after the speaker in front of them has finished. No one should interrupt anyone else, regardless of how important their point is. Think about deferring the topic to the next meeting or scheduling an interim call. This will allow you to complete it in less time.

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